30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (2024)

From Disney to Pixar, once you've taken a look at some of these Disney couple tattoos, you'll be wishing upon a star for your very own tattoo.

Couple Up

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (1)

You can even go beyond Disney and head on over to Pixar to get tattoos that are perfect for a couple of lovebirds. What better way to embody love than with Carl and Ellie from the movie "Up"?

Beauty And The Beast

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (2)

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Nothing tells a tale as old as time like a tattoo of Belle and the Beast. Sure, they got off to a rocky start, but they made it for up in the end in the most romantic and magical way possible.

Bambie And Heart

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (3)

While the film "Bambie" may wreck you on an emotional level, hopefully these tattoos won't do the same to your relationship. Instead, it'll probably bring you closer to the Bambie in your life.

Beauty And The Beast Duo

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (4)

You might be OK sporting a tattoo of Belle, but he'll love to sport one of the Beast while he's working out in the gym. These written tats are cool and romantic without being too obvious.

The Most Iconic Love Story

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (5)

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Let your "Beauty and the Beast" wrist tattoos do all the talking. Never has hand-holding been more romantic than when Belle and the Beast stare into each other's eyes.

Jack And Sally

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (6)

Who needs Jack and Rose when you can have Jack Skellington and Sally, the creepiest, yet the most romantic couple in animation history? Nothing says love like a tat from "The Nightmare Before Christmas."

Frozen In Love

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (7)

We doubt that Elsa herself could have created two snowflakes to symbolize the power of love. This is even better than getting her those pendants that split in half.

Mickey Ying-Yang

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What better way to symbolize that you've given your heart to your significant other or vice versa than with these Mickey tattoos? That way everyone will know that you're all heart.

Minnie Kisses

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (9)

Now you can throw each other some absolutely adorable Minnie kisses every time your hands touch side by side. Only the sweetest couples should dare get these matching tattoos.

Two Castles

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (10)

You always felt like a Disney princess just waiting for your Prince Charming to come sweep you off your feet. Now you can both wear castle tats on your arms that symbolize your kingdoms coming together.

Lend A Hand

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (11)

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You know it's true love when you both get matching tattoos of Mickey and Minnie's glove. This way you'll know that you "glove" each other so, so much. Sorry, I had to do that.

Mr And Mrs

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (12)

There's nothing but love in these Mickey-and-Minnie-themed tattoos. It'll also come in handy in the future if they get Alzheimer's and forget who's who.

Simba And Nala

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (13)

You so need a couples' tattoos of Simba and Nala because you're both ferociously in love with each other and are in it for the long haul. Here's hoping that your union lasts forever like these tattoos.

Better Halves

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (14)

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It's true that every Beauty needs her Beast and vice versa. But dang! You know it's true love when you're willing to call yourself a Beast in order to prove to everyone you really love her.

This Creepy Twosome

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (15)

It's time to get your gruesome on with these "Nightmare Before Christmas" tats of Sally and Jack Skellington. But don't come crying to us when this relationship turns into a real nightmare.

Love Times Infinity

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (16)

Who would have imagined that the immortalized phrase used by Buzz Lightyear from "Toy Story" could be used to symbolize something so romantic?

Disney Wars

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (17)

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Love's a battlefield, but you don't have to fight alone or go to a galaxy far, far away. When you've got tattoos of Mickey and Minnie with lightsabers, love can conquer just about anything.

Finger Tattoos

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (18)

The cool thing about Disney or animated theme couple tattoos is that they're a great way for partners to personify their love without ever having to say I love you again.

Pan And Wendy

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (19)

Just like Peter Pan and Wendy, your love will never wither away, even if one of you does decide to stay in Neverland while the other goes on to live her life in the real world.

Happy Feet

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (20)

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This might look cheesy, but Disney-themed foot tats can be so romantic, especially when you're both in bed watching a comedy and your feet meet to form this cute Mickey glove heart.


30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (21)

If you happen to run into a couple wearing these matching tattoos, don't bother asking if one of them is available, cause the ink says it all, and they're not interested in competing, so back off.

Mickey Calve Tats

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (22)

We love Minnie and Mickey Mouse, and with these two tattooed to this couple's calves, it's a safe bet they'll always come together at night when these two hit the hay and cuddle.

Mrs. Potts And Chips

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (23)

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This one's creepy for couples because you basically gave yourselves tattoos that symbolize a mother and her son. But it might be an awesome tat combo for – you guessed it – a mother and a son.

Castles In The Night

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (24)

You and your BFF might eventually move to a different state and have separate lives, but you'll always have Disney, particularly the castle logo tattooed on your feet.

Mother And Daughter

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (25)

A mothers is one of the most important people in her daughter's life, and if you ask any mother, she'll agree the same is true about her daughter. So these amazing mother-daughter tattoos are real winners around Mother's Day.

Lightsaber Pinkies

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (26)

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Tat blue and red lightsabers on your pinkies. It's the one time when the Force and the Dark Side can truly unite through love. I pinky swear it's true.

Let's Get Pixie

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (27)

You'll feel totally dusted when you and a friend, relative or partner tattoo Tinker Bell and Peter Pan on your wrists. These two are the ultimate best friends, even if they won't admit it to each other.

Wall-E And Ava

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (28)

There's no couple in cyberspace better suited than Wall-E and Ava. And if you want to show the world that you truly have no place in your motherboard for anyone else, then these tats will do the trick.

Sully And Mike

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (29)

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Got a best friend? Then how about tattooing one of the "Monsters, Inc." BFFs on yourselves? With Sully and Mike Wazowski tattooed on your wrists, no one will ever come between you and your friend.

Mickey And Minnie

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (30)

If you're a Mickey or a Minnie fan, then it shouldn't take you too long to figure out who these tats represent. Best of all, they come with the most magical message of all: love.

30 Disney Couple Tattoos That Will Make Your Dreams Come True (2024)


Who has the most Disney tattoos? ›

When people ask George Reiger why he has 2,200 tattoos relating to Disney, his answers that Disney practically raised him when he was a child and he wanted to have Mickey and the entire Magical Kingdom with him everywhere he went. George had his first tattoo, Fantasia Mickey, when he was just 18 years old.

Can you get a Disney tattoo? ›

Dream tattoos do come true.

A Disney tattoo is undeniably the best and most magical souvenir you can get on an Orlando vacation. And we've got a squad of Orlando tattoo artists who can make your dream a reality, no pixie dust needed.

Are tattoos allowed in Disney World? ›

We reserve the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing attire that we consider inappropriate or attire that could detract from the experience of other Guests. Visible tattoos that could be considered inappropriate, such as those containing objectionable language or designs, are not permitted.

Why do couples get tattoos? ›

Matching tattoos are a great way for couples to express their love and commitment to each other. They are a tangible reminder of the bond that they share and a symbol of their commitment to one another. It's a way to show the world that they are in it together and are devoted to each other.

Who is the only Disney princess to have a tattoo? ›

Pocahontas is the only Disney princess with a tattoo.

Does Disney hire with tattoos? ›

Disney, UPS, Virgin Atlantic, and the U.S. Army are among organizations that have relaxed visible tattoo restrictions in the workplace amid a tight labor market and as an increasing percentage of the population chooses to get tattooed.

What shirts are not allowed in Disney? ›

Clothing with objectionable material, including obscene language or graphics. Excessively torn clothing or loose fitting clothing which may drag on the ground and create a potential trip hazard. Clothing which, by nature, exposes excessive portions of the skin that may be viewed as inappropriate for a family ...

Can you bring a vape into Disney World in 2024? ›

Are electronic cigarettes and vaping permitted at Walt Disney World Resort? Smoking and vaping are only permitted in designated smoking areas. Where can guests smoke? Guests may smoke in designated areas located outside the park entry points and in specified areas at Disney Resort hotels and Disney Springs.

Who are the most tattooed couples? ›

Chuck Helmke is 81 and Charlotte Gutenberg is 74. Charlotte, who has 98% of her body covered with tattoos, is the oldest woman to have her name included in the Guinness World Records at the age of 74. Her husband is the oldest man to have 97% of his body covered with tattoos.

What is a tattoo symbol for love? ›

Hearts: Hearts are a timeless symbol of love and are a popular choice for Valentine's Day tattoos. Hearts can be incorporated into a variety of designs, from simple outlines to intricate patterns and can incorporate other elements such as flowers, wings, or infinity symbols.

Why do people get kiss tattoos? ›

A lip print tattoo can symbolize a relationship. Lip print can be a reminder of the connection tattoo holder has with their partner. It can represent a romantic bond between two people, and sometimes we can see both people in the relationship with matching lips tattoos.

Who has the world's most tattoos on a person? ›

Lucky Diamond Rich pictured at Montreal, Canada's PuSh International Performing Arts Festival in 2008. He is best known, however, for holding the Guinness World Record as "the world's most tattooed person", a title formerly held by Englishman Tom Leppard.

Which celebrity has the most tattoos? ›

Justin Bieber

According to several sources, Bieber got his first tattoo at 16 – a seagull – and now boasts around 70.

Who has the most individual tattoos? ›

Ace Tattoo - Bernie Moeller holder of "Most Tattoos" in The Guinness Book of Records, has this many individual tattoos: A. 14,006 | Facebook.

How many Disney princesses have a tattoo? ›

Pocahontas, the daughter of a powerful Algonquin chief, had a red armband placed around her right bicep and over twenty years later—she is still the only Disney princess with ink.


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

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Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.