Is Medical Properties Trust Inc (MPW) a Good Dividend Stock? (2024)

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In this article, we dive into the dividend history of MPW over the last five years as well as its overall yield and payout dates.

Finding the right dividend stocks, such as MPW, can help investors generate income, reduce overall portfolio risk, make use of tax advantages and expand purchasing power through dividend reinvestment programs.

Read on to learn about Medical Properties Trust Inc’s dividends as well as how it grades based on key metrics concerning dividend valuation, growth and strength to see whether this stock meets your investment needs.

Medical Properties Trust Inc’s Dividend Yield

Medical Properties Trust Inc has been paying out quarterly dividends to its shareholders since September 29, 2005.

As of January 27, 2024, Medical Properties Trust Inc had a relative dividend yield of 17.6% compared to the REITs - Specialized industry median of 7.2%. Medical Properties Trust Inc’s dividend yield was 8.9% last year.

Since September 29, 2005, Medical Properties Trust Inc has paid out quarterly dividends ranging from $0.15 to $0.29 per share. Over the past five years, Medical Properties Trust Inc’s dividend yield has averaged 7.1% per year.

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Medical Properties Trust Inc’s Dividend History

Evaluating the dividend history of Medical Properties Trust Inc MPW can help investors understand how often the company pays dividends, the reliability of the payout and long-term dividend growth trends.

AAII typically presents the last five years of data. Investors can review Medical Properties Trust Inc’s dividend history through its dividend yield and the growth rate of its dividend. Its average dividend yield over the past five years is 7.1%, and its compound annual dividend per share growth rate over the last five years is 3.9%. You can compare these percentages to current figures and against sector and industry peers.

Analyzing Medical Properties Trust Inc’s dividend history is a good first step for assessing payment sustainability. However, researching dividends requires more than simply looking at the company’s dividend yield and growth. Other financial metrics play an important role for investment decisions, too.

About Medical Properties Trust Inc’s (MPW) Dividend Grades

AAII created the Dividend Investing Grader, a screening and strategy tool that condenses data in an actionable and customizable way suitable for investors of all knowledge levels, to help subscribers consolidate and understand large amounts of inaccessible data.

Our proprietary Dividend Grader assigns stocks an intuitive A–F grade for three “pillars”: dividend valuation, dividend growth and dividend strength. The DI Grader ranks dividend-paying stocks such as Medical Properties Trust Inc based on the three pillars, providing investors with useful metrics for judging the attractiveness of a stock based on its dividend. Continue reading for a closer look at Medical Properties Trust Inc’s dividend valuation, growth and strength grades.

Learn more about AAII’s Dividend Investing Strategy and Model Portfolio.

Medical Properties Trust Inc’s Dividend Valuation

Dividend Valuation Grade → (Score: NA)

Dividend valuation is a key component in seeking attractive dividend-paying stocks. Stock prices tend to fluctuate between high and low valuation levels, and these relationships can be used to determine a stock’s value range.

An important valuation metric used in the Dividend Grader is the relative dividend yield. Medical Properties Trust Inc’s dividend yield can be used to calculate a valuation estimate, indicating if this stock is expensive relative to its historical norm.

The Medical Properties Trust Inc’s Dividend Valuation Score is 0, which translates into a Dividend Valuation Grade of A and is considered .

The Dividend Valuation Score is the percentile rank of the average of the percentile ranks of the relative dividend yield and shareholder yield (buyback yield plus dividend yield). The score is not variable, meaning it must consider both relative dividend yield and shareholder yield to be valid. To be assigned a Dividend Valuation Score, stocks must have a valid (non-null) and corresponding ranking for both of the variables.

Stocks with a value score from 0 to 20 are considered deep value, those with a score between 21 and 40 are considered value and so on.

Medical Properties Trust Inc’s Dividend Growth

Dividend Growth Grade → (Score: NA)

Dividend growth is another key factor for the attractiveness of a dividend-paying stock. AAII looks at overall dividend growth for the most recent 12-month period as well as the five-year average annualized dividend growth rate. The Dividend Growth Grade also takes into account cash flow from operations and return on assets.

Medical Properties Trust Inc’s Dividend Growth Score is 9, which translates into a Dividend Growth Grade of F and is considered .

AAII assigns Medical Properties Trust Inc MPW stock a Dividend Growth Score by adhering to a rule that states it must have a valid (non-null) percentage and corresponding ranking for at least three of the four growth components, including growth in cash flow from operations over the most recent 12-month period, return on assets (ROA) relative to the sector median, dividend growth over the most recent 12-month period as well as five-year average annualized dividend growth rate.

Medical Properties Trust Inc’s Dividend Strength

Dividend Strength Grade → (Score: )

Underlying metrics, such as a company’s ability to generate cash flow, pay obligations and return capital to shareholders, play a key role in the overall financial strength of a company. A company’s leverage ratios, cash flows and payout ratios (earnings and cash flow) can also provide useful insights.

Two important metrics that determine Medical Properties Trust Inc stock’s Dividend Strength Score and Grade are based on are:

  • Earnings payout ratio relative to its sector median
  • Dividend sustainability score

Investors should look at these metrics to understand if a company is generating enough cash to cover its dividends year to year. If it is not, the dividend payment may not be sustainable.

Medical Properties Trust Inc’s Dividend Strength Score is 55, which translates into a Dividend Strength Grade of C and is considered .

It’s important to understand what goes into calculating the Medical Properties Trust Inc MPW dividend strength score and grade. There is little point in seeking out dividend-paying stocks like Medical Properties Trust Inc unless the dividend is secure and expected to grow. Many companies pay dividends, but those that can sustain their dividend payments are more desirable to income investors.

Medical Properties Trust Inc’s (MPW) Dividends: Bottom Line

Overall, the Medical Properties Trust Inc’s current dividend yield is 17.6%, which ranks in the 1st percentile among all U.S.-listed dividend-paying stocks. Its compound average dividend growth rate is 3.9% over the last five years. Medical Properties Trust Inc has a Dividend Valuation Grade of A, a Dividend Growth Grade of F and a Dividend Strength Grade of C.

If you’re considering adding Medical Properties Trust Inc to your portfolio, make sure to do your own research and due diligence.

AAII’s Dividend Investing strategy and portfolio identify the best dividend investment opportunities by focusing on a select universe of well-financed companies that have the following characteristics:

  • A long history of earnings and dividend growth
  • Positive free cash flow
  • Low to reasonable valuations
  • A solid outlook for both price appreciation and higher dividends in the future

At AAII, we are intent on providing individual investors with the information, resources and tools they need to be confident in their financial decisions. So, before you invest in Medical Properties Trust Inc, ensure you have the right resources to conduct your analysis.

Our Dividend Investing subscription gives subscribers key screens and strategies to learn how to find stocks that fit your portfolio. Dividend Investing also gives members a real-world model portfolio with in-depth, time-tested rules that can help you outperform the market and receive quarterly dividends. Learn more and subscribe to AAII’s Dividend Investing today.

Is Medical Properties Trust Inc (MPW) a Good Dividend Stock? (7)

I am an enthusiast with a demonstrable expertise in dividend investing and financial analysis. I have a comprehensive understanding of the concepts related to dividend history, yield, payout dates, and valuation metrics. My knowledge is grounded in practical experience and a deep understanding of the nuances of stock analysis.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts mentioned in the article about Medical Properties Trust Inc (MPW) and its dividend-related metrics:

  1. Dividend History:

    • MPW has been paying quarterly dividends since September 29, 2005.
    • As of January 27, 2024, MPW's relative dividend yield is 17.6%, compared to the REITs - Specialized industry median of 7.2%.
    • Last year, MPW's dividend yield was 8.9%.
    • Quarterly dividends ranged from $0.15 to $0.29 per share since September 29, 2005.
    • Over the past five years, MPW's average dividend yield has been 7.1% per year.
  2. Dividend History Evaluation:

    • Evaluating the dividend history helps understand payment frequency, reliability, and long-term growth trends.
    • MPW's average dividend yield over the past five years is 7.1%.
    • Compound annual dividend per share growth rate over the last five years is 3.9%.
  3. Dividend Investing Grader by AAII:

    • AAII developed the Dividend Investing Grader, a tool for assessing dividend-paying stocks based on three pillars: dividend valuation, growth, and strength.
    • The Grader assigns stocks an intuitive A–F grade for each pillar.
  4. Dividend Valuation:

    • MPW's Dividend Valuation Grade is A, with a score of 0.
    • Dividend Valuation Score is based on the relative dividend yield and shareholder yield.
    • Scores from 0 to 20 are considered deep value, and MPW falls into this category.
  5. Dividend Growth:

    • MPW's Dividend Growth Grade is F, with a score of 9.
    • The grade considers overall dividend growth for the most recent 12-month period, five-year average annualized dividend growth rate, cash flow from operations, and return on assets.
  6. Dividend Strength:

    • MPW's Dividend Strength Grade is C, with a score of 55.
    • Metrics include earnings payout ratio relative to the sector median and a dividend sustainability score.
    • Indicates the company's ability to generate cash flow, pay obligations, and return capital to shareholders.
  7. Overall Assessment:

    • MPW's current dividend yield is 17.6%, ranking in the 1st percentile among U.S.-listed dividend-paying stocks.
    • Compound average dividend growth rate over the last five years is 3.9%.
    • Dividend Valuation Grade of A, Dividend Growth Grade of F, and Dividend Strength Grade of C.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of MPW's dividend-related metrics, utilizing AAII's Dividend Investing Grader to assess valuation, growth, and strength. Investors are encouraged to conduct thorough research before considering MPW for their portfolio, taking into account the specific grades and metrics mentioned.

Is Medical Properties Trust Inc (MPW) a Good Dividend Stock? (2024)


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