Prophecies — JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES (2024)


Julie Green Julie Green

Woe to those who think they control this Nation and the elections in this country. Your manipulation and deceptive ways will not get you your desired outcome this time. Much chaos and division will consume your camp like never before. Like a swarm of bees that you cannot get away from, you cannot hide yourselves from this coming swarm, and this political storm that is heading your way.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, the monsters that have been lurking and sneaking around your capital and in those places of power, will soon have a lot to answer for. Yes, I called them monsters because of the crimes they have committed on such a massive scale. They took many lives for personal gain. They did not care how many lives were lost or how many people were affected by the decisions they made for their precious establishment’s survival.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, all your enemies have are lies and illusions to keep their narrative going and to try to keep power. They do not have unity or truth on their side. They are more fake than you have realized. Remember how I told you that they use Hollywood? They are very dependent on them. If it had not been for the actors they have used for so long, many things that have been done against this Nation would never have been accomplished. They have hidden behind sets, props, fake acting, lies, diversions, distractions, and manipulation. You name it.They have done it all.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, chaos is about to erupt in your enemies' camp in an unprecedented way. In times past, you have seen a version of this, but it was not to the extreme you are about to see. Your enemies are in for a rude awakening, thinking they could control this Nation, Israel, and the world. They have made many mistakes in their plans over time, and now is the time when everything is about to erupt against them.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, I am about to show you all the criminals in your capital—the crime families, the mob bosses, the handlers, the puppets, the fall men. Every aspect of this establishment will be torn apart and exposed to the world.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, there has been a deceiving ruling class that has taken over your government, media, court system, and financial system and, at the same time, has tried to collapse society morally in every way—brainwashing and programming it to a point where it is easier to control. It has made people weaker spiritually, mentally, and physically. Everywhere they could destroy humanity, they have tried. They have created many viruses and diseases. They have poisoned everything they could to destroy you physically and to put a strain on you financially.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, your enemies' time has run out. They are not going to continue with their tirade, narrative, mind control, or the selections of who they choose to be in power over this Nation, or any nation for that matter. The time is over for the puppet masters and the puppets they control. This spectacle, this charade, has gone on long enough against you. This had to be allowed so you, My children, and the world would see who they really are and what they are about.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, the laughing, cackling hyena will soon not be laughing or cackling anymore because she will be shown her place. Her spot, her slot as their leading candidate will not go as she thought it would go. A great betrayal is coming. She thinks she has everything she wants. She finally has "the Biden" out of her hair, the position of power, this election, and the seat of the president guaranteed. But she does not see the backstabbing coming or the plans against her.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children in the Land of My Eagle, your enemies are on a path they cannot move away from. They are on a collision course of destruction, and they will destroy themselves, including any credibility they had in their places of power, on their way out.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, you have entered into unprecedented times. Things you cannot explain will happen. Things you thought you would never see, you are about to see. Your Nation will experience something it has never experienced to this degree. Many things are about to take place for the destruction of the establishment and the chokehold they have had over My nations. Yes, nations, not just the Land of My Eagle. They have also done things to infiltrate and try to destroy My Israel.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, your enemies are at your shoreline. They are at the door to begin the war they have so desired against Israel and My United States. Your establishment thought they were controlling your enemies in foreign nations and what they were allowed or not allowed to do. But betrayal is about to strike in the hearts of the ones who think they control the world. Your enemies in foreign lands are about to strike where the establishment never thought they would. They are allowing proof to come out. They are pouring it out so they can do what they want against this Nation.

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Julie Green Julie Green

Double standards, hypocrites, liars, manipulators, and murderous thieves—you may be asking, "Lord, who are You talking about?" Most government officials, the news media, the big tech giants, Hollywood, many agencies, and corporations. These types of people are everywhere, trying to control the narrative of nations, the money, the power, and trying to take over churches.

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Julie Green Julie Green

Their polls are lies. Their power is a lie. Their narrative is a lie. Their government is a lie. Their control is a lie. My children, all that your enemies have are lies and delusions. 

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, this is the time. This is the time to arise in My Authority. This is the time to arise in My Name. This is the time to arise and shout, not just any words, but to shout My Words. This is the time, My children, when the world needs you. They need you to intercede. They need you to pray. They need you to stand.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children in the Land of My Eagle, your enemies truly think they can pull the wool over your eyes and replace their candidate, and everything will just go smoothly.

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Julie Green Julie Green

A major cover-up and the plot to kill your rightful president will become clearer than it already is. More people within the establishment will turn on the ones they used to side with. No amount of destroying evidence or wiping their fingerprints from this crime scene will be enough to save themselves this time.

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Julie Green Julie Green

Woe to those in the FBI, the CIA, and the swamp in DC. You can run, but you cannot hide. You think you are above the law because you believe you are the law and that you control the law, but you do not.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, your enemies have pushed this too far, and they will continue to press forward. And the more they continue in this direction with their plans, the more people will leave the party of the left. I told you (about) a mass exodus. It will become mass chaos. More voters are turning against them because they are making it more obvious in this time that the voters and their opinions do not matter to them, only the survival of their establishment does.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, a warning to you—your enemies are not done infringing upon your freedoms or your Nation. Do you hear Me? Do not be surprised by their next moves against you. Just know that they will stop at nothing. They will do anything to keep this Nation and this world under their demonic control.

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Julie Green Julie Green

My children, your enemies are in the hot seat of defeat. They are extremely uncomfortable, and fear has set in. This is the time when many of them will fold, and some will sing like canaries. They are so desperate to save themselves that they will turn on ones they never thought they would turn on.

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Prophecies — JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES (2024)


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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.