The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

PACS TWO SEYMOUR -DAILY'TRIBUNBrSEYMOilR. IND. 'Mind if join you foMho Christmas Gifts For Muscata tuck HEIWIG'S WESTINGHOUSE ADMCIAJU 1 TY APPLUNCES 1M S. Chwtani It, rh.US-St SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE tSTABLISHED 1S79 toaeJtvery Eveniftg txcpt atmaay Entered OS second class matter at the Seymour, Indian Pas Office, Vf the Seymour Tribune Inc. r.

-THOMA5W. CONNER, Publisher Amid the cries, 'Mora botij I need tape, do you have the men' 21 diligent women bad begun thy big task of wrapping hundreds of Christ- iJha jeskJenls jf. ASsdaATED pwrai Ttt Aaaaciated Pro is entitled to ehaave im of ell local new printed In tnlp atwspepeVS veil a ail AP mw Chicago. St. LMAngeles, Otgvtc ind Atlanta Tralnlng Center -pear eV' -i 1 -Tt "jiavTuekayT the place, the Farmer's Oub and (he "golden deed" vat Muscatatuck Christmas -gift EDITORIALS TBEtMIlYE 1 wrap, Jackson County Christmii collection, which was nearly 1 week early (hit year, cam through in "rand fashion'1 with many "lovely" gifts, lb Biting The Hand wide Variety of items ntade tt possible to make up many largt gifts.

From the starting gun, the ladies worked rapidly and at noon, the scheduled finish time, Like so many other beneficiaries or 'supplicants for U. foreign aid, the the todies bad wrapped all pip-squeak dictator of one of the pas its surplus food request. Previously the attacks had gone unrebuked. It is not known what brought about the change in attitude on the part of Washington toward African extremists, but it certainly has been long overdue. The decision by the Johnson Administration to finally cease turning the se! of newly-emerging African nations, Kwamt Nkrumah, of Ghana, Is the type that bites the hand that feeds htm.

Actually, In his case he did the bit COXPUTE. WRECK REBUILDIXS Frt Estimates 24 lKiaiyDulfWrickirt 1 Experienctd Ken Completely lasured Fully Guarantied ELU ST. BODY SHOP 111 I. Catt SejiMir il0ktC24S7S lsktLWkRstH(0ntr) of the guts. There were more man 400 individual gifts.

Volunteers who assisted were as follows: Brownstown township Mrs. John Heller, Mrs. Roscoe M. Robertson, Mrs. H.

V. Winkle-pleck, Mrs. George Vehslage, Mrs. Nerval Cummdngs, Mrs. Lee Longacre, Mrs, Join E.

Robertson, Mm. Laura Baxter, Mrs. David MoGarvey and Mrs. Howard Aughinbaugh. Hamilton township Mrs.

Her ing end then asked to4e3rs-etvheekM- the face of anti-American exception that proverhe rule, Wash- bert Selby and Mrs. Paul Deitz. Jackson township Mrs. Estel Hanco*ck, Mrt. Harold Byrer, Mrs.

Durbln Day, Mrs. AS Sny- And This Is Called A Fight To Mrs. James Cordis, Mrs. John Wienborst and urs. Jack Rhoades.

Owen township Mrs. Robert Com. Save The U. S. Dollar? Taylor Pershing townshlp--Mrs.

Har lan Bergselker. bomb ticking under (he Ameri- period. It it Actually no higher By HENRY J. TAYLOR iir can Domestically, oie than 35 year ago and sujbetan- OO 0e Same day that our mKraiwl Arfirnr. financing riallv heJtw Mm itfflirv rwujfcrur- ys COMMAND LOAN FROM INTERSTATE Mrs.

Willis Hobson, executive secretary, provided hot coffee and damns. demonstrations, whether physico! or verbal, ought to be a warning to other nations across the globe who have wallowed at" the U. S. trough. UAR's Gamal Abdel Nasser, in partiOjTar, should read the handwriting on the wall.

The message did not take long to register in Ghana. The government of that African country sent a note to Washington described as "conciliatory in tone" within, days after our blunt rejection of that nation's request for a surplus food handout. The missive stated that President Nkrumah meant no offense in his book. State Department press officer Robert J. McCloskey told newsmen the note contained "some explanations that the book did not intend to attack the U.

S. government," adding that the purported apology said, "the government of Ghana considered that friendly relations between the two countries remained unchanged." If one understands English as it is spoken, the attempt to make amends by denying the obvious was the weakest kind of turnabout on the part of the Nkrumah government. Mr. McCloskey declined to say whether the explanation had satisfied the State gold reserve bit another new 50, to spend mora (ban tton to Ml or 1942. 27-Tear tow Pwadent Johosai income-means debts, Id- School construction at $4.4 bil- UnSUDd amey- year look.

big. to. St of ttE As ti govemnent keeps on Jghngon says it has more than to mk! iwl 5nJr epending beyond its income and doubled since 1955. Tbe con- iroton for once called a critic to task for maliciously and unfairly maligning the very nation he has asked tov come to the assistance of his backward 1 country, The Nkrumah attitude is not new In the history of the mammoth $100 billion U. S.

foreign--aid program. France's DeGaulle, India's Nehru and Egypt's Nasser have been outstanding examples of recipients of American largess who have kicked the U. S. in the teeth In return. Yugoslavia's Tito is onothe r.

None has in any way shown that the help the United States has given them was in the least appreciated. All, wanted more with nothing in return, In the case of Ghana President Nkrumah, his chickens have come home to roost. At the very time that he was osking Washington to dish up $100 million worth of American surplus food as a handout, he stupidly authored a book In which he attacked United States as a neo-colonist pewwjand theTast state of imperialism' This latest in a long series of abusive criticisms of the U. Mr. Nkrumah finally aroused our government to action.

Ghana was told off in no uncer terms with a blunt rejection of uTii Lw 1. its bills the dangers increase. But, fa truth, wire building no In this field me President is JS fas f)m banks create more years ego: We're simply mis- Seymour Daily Tribune 305 North Chestnut St Imu4 tvery tvcnlng except Sunity Stymeur Trtbun COj. Inc. THOMAS W.

CONNER. PubUihw Entered at the Seymour, bid. 47274 PottoUiee Second Clan Matter. Delly Tribune By Rome) Delivery One Yearli. IKM Six Monthl ....1040 Three Months I JO One Week .40 Cody .10 DAILY TRIBUNE by mail: All mill subscription! in advance and none art accepted where carrier service i available.

Jackson end AdJOtnint Counties Jennings Scott. Washington. Lawrence, Monroe. Brown and Bartholomew I English, but I don understand (' 7 Lr what I say For it seems in- "tv air. jonnson lorecasis roe credible mat Mr.

Johnson would tal value of goods and services go.cnKketbfaifhebadthe caBBt be stopped until mis year at $671.4 billion. He faintest idea of me consequen- deficit financing is stopped, forecasts a 7.5 per cent growth Ogg Am aan nx souppxi u. raw over im. die price Vet whv rfojxsn't he under- S. dollar goes down the dram, creases for 1965 atone reduced stand? In the past 20 years The over-all effect is simply the real growth rate to about Oat.

Year J1J lS'V mere have been six budget to borrow, tax and doliar-ce- wur per wsa. in rew six monms f.oo 4.40 Three Montns surpluses and 14 deficits; five predate the economy. Dollars merery vxs oouar imrfge. adq HslTVYvnf-ravmits Kunduses seem more olentiful. the present rate of decline, Less than three months eOc per WMk ciaewnera uwt is nWbrita Ths an0at.

In fact, for the first time in on (he basis of (he 1939 yard- Other than Jackson i Adjoining CounUes w4 ufir mm niVri en the hktnrv thm am mw more stick, today's 44-cent dollar Om Year Jl! 1180 MM Six Months other, have raw brought us to $100 bills ($7.6 billion) than $10 will be a 25-oent dollar within the brkik. Our cold reserve has bills in circulation. But, as exactly eight years. Three Months 1.00 Leas than three months 49e per week jfallea to a point so low that a every saver, pensioner, annuity No wonder millions feel that Dr. Don R.

Downing opTOMrmisT sir n. wahuu PH. iU-4444 HOURS it AND 11 CLOSED WEDNESDAY PAY THOSE HOLIDAY BILLS NOW! Oat Financial Counselor win work oat a Financial Fitness piaa to solve just about any money problem, large or smaJL KEEP FINANCIALLY recovery it not assured. holder or. other security ac- no matter what (bey toy to do The political in cumulator knows, (he dollars for themselves their future it further overspending are obvi- are merely dollarettes.

somehow being thrown away, ous. But today the dangers are Take housing, (instruction Mr. Johnson bas bis eye on so clear mat patriotism atone experts tell the story vividly, nearly every ill except (he oa-sbould be enough to stop the in dollars (he volume of nous- tion's worst disease, and this political expediency. Is (bat too jng is up. In physical is R.

What be should remember much to ask in our great coun- volume the starts are down, while our government goes on try? far down since 1955. Public spreading its bureaucracy a- Abroad, the world's central utility building looks up in cross (he land in the name of bankers know the American dollars. But (he physical vol- (he Great Society is (hat he These Days Giving Up Too Soon In The United Nations-Chamberlain FIT WITH A LOAN FROM people haven't been told (he time has hardly changed needs (0 put priorities on his whole truth about (he time throughout (he entire postwar spending-ind at once. SETH W. SHIELDS D.

D. S. OFFICE HOURS-M P.M. Monday Three gh Friday Saturday A.M. to P.M.

207 NORTH PINI I NTS TATB getting ready to send his tanks barging into Did It prevent the Soviet dispatch of missiles to Does Castro get any less support from Moscow for his revolutionary meddling in Guatemala and Venezuela? A membership accorded to Red China would merely bring Mao Tse- Jost East ef RaOread Tracks 102 E. tni St -v Your Daily Television Programs WAVI-TV 3 WHAS-TV 1 1 WTTV 4 WFBM-TV 6 WISH-TV WLW-I II Louisville Louisville Indianapolis Indianapolis Indianapolis Iridiananalie atTsaeiaaal aiaas 1m aeynrewrnutwasa By John Chssnbsrlsin I ued to -work for an editor who called himself "North Carolina prapnatist." When asked to explain th description be aid, "I believe in ilghUng as ion as fa St cMnro rrf winning Riit when the handwriting is on the wall I believe in Itttine the best peace possible at Appomattox." Well, the pragmatists who have fought -to keep Red China out of the United Nations are getting read for an Appomat-tox HTISWrThe '47-47 tie vote on Red China this year has been taken as "the Jim Packets. Mgr. TELEPHONES 52M50S, SZUm. IS-2630 Phone 522-5754 Secret Stornt M.

Game tung's propaganda apparatus right into New Yorfcr City. It would also be taken as a signal to nations as far apart as Chile and Thailand that the United States is a giant that is just about to come "down with multiple sclerosis. Who would trust our strength Doe Melvola -Channel sfoviei Secret Storm Herculei Fopere Cartoons Supermaa Dr'a. House B. Herrnan Santa Claus iss ttw mnraif A ft as TTfi arVll iiaa as.

-a dt handwriting on the wall- and they for would Taiwan m. "the best feUwt y. to peace possible." Some, for Instance, have rotect -Mimt Mao? 1 1 Muscetstuck Valley Feeder'Auctlen AsioeiotioR PEEPER PH MM Popere 4 Lands, Seas Leave 1 Bearer ReekT Show Rocky. tTleadsSman Talk Popeye et Janie WorM Today Sportralt Huckleberry The Westerner Peter Jennings Wea. 3 FlnalWeaw Newa Jim MelnT News, WeaSif Huntley Brink.

W. Cronkite t. to Beaver Hontley-Brink IvenJnf News Cheyenne SmaU World Maverick Lloyd Thaxton Early Report World st Seven Milestone Hullabatoo-C HulUbaloo To Tefl Truth IS OTtock Chan. Preaents rve Cot Secret Arrest Trial J. rorsythe--C rre Got Secret Dr.

KOdare-C Lucy Show-C KttdsieC Lucy Shew-C -jsesp tmm A. WUliams-C A. Crlfflth-C A. Wllllams-r A. Orifnth-C Man CaUoS Baset-C Haset-C' Peytosi Plaos 1..

Chan. News Run For LUe-C 8v Lewrenee-C Merr OrilrJn Sup lor LeC Steve Lawrence Best Ceaey Itt Instead of talking about an "Appomattox" at the UN for 1966, our pragmatists should be pointing to Taiwan as an example of what freedom can do for a For 20 years Chiang Kai-shek was prevented by civil and international warfare from carrying out his projected educational and land reforms on the maia-v land of China. It wasn't until he had a sheltered spot behind" a water barrier on th island of Tehran that he could go ahead with turning his blueprints into reality. Although 80 per cent of its budget must go to keep crack army of said the problem to let Red China take a CM seat without forcing Taiwan, the 'othWjQtfna out But what it Taiwan wont agree to be complaisant about it? A seasoned observer such as General Albert Wedemeyer, who 'has just returned from an extended trip to the Far East, cant see the free Chinese accepting the lots of face that come with relinquishing their position Is 'the UN to Mao whom they took upon quite lightly as a sworn subverter of tovernments. Red China made war upon the United Nations in Korea; it espouses a philosophy of Tfot- Wednesday; Dec.

8 US leginninej .1 1 P. M. (COT) J. WarlS at 11 final Report World Mtts Sperts Sptaj Lsts Shaw Community Building on W. Tonlfht news HI Weather Spertp jj Tonl(ht-C Late Show Movie Hiway3 Teauth Tf 650.000 men Jn fighting trim, Taiwan has itarMpennweBffwoIu TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7f 1965 WAVI-TV I WHAS-TV I WTTV 4 WFIM-TV 6 WISH-TV i WtW-l Louisville teufsvUle Iwdiewapelis Iwdiawepelis Iwdlewepelie Iwdtetiepells Latin America save that of Cuba: it aims gl wtto j.p.a it bas also tarried out to p8etmort of tha new nattoudist sutes ughiy4u It device aC-trtif MlleNorth ef North Vsrneiy Indiona SELLING 500 FEEDER PIGS Plgs fresh.

fromJhtisrmJliyljaJsv-weiiiu Jrorn SO to 100 lbs. Sold la uniform lots. AH pigs auctioned by the- pjund. Sales; are sponsored and by 'local farmer producers 'with cooperation of the Producer's Mar ketintf AsfKlation and Xxtenslon JTeder-C ernment-spoiuortd cement, companies for Dally Word Itt aut jssvcwS at which it subsecjuently sold en eay Mom. Show-C T-Bar-V Ranch role as not-ao-sileht partner of Ho Chi ievie Party Coffee Chth Th.

P. Dixon The Speculation News -I -Lava Lucy Tha fashion Snow NBC Newa I Lovelier The McCoys 1 News ConcentraUosi The McCoys New Toe Toung Concentration PDQ-C rA few lots, of plgi from certified hoars to be sold. Buar identification will be given. All pigs will he inspected by Indiana Livestock Sanitary board Vaccinated ss requested "by Andy, Mayberry Ttmmt Set mm Hi. ttt terms to tenant This could be the "wave of the future" for many of thi impoverished nations of te world, Thg Mpragmattsts have pjlenty opagandlrticlnaterial "leitluvSAalf of Taiwan's moral right to Its present Iwdtlon 'bW1TMT pre-mature talk about an wAppomattox.M i I "TH 0 lf 6 Press end Radio Copy anted by Tto Radio BUUSJ CUV1CS BUREAU Mora.

Star Andy; May berry rather Knows Mjnu Star Para. Bay Dk Van' Dyke Beikman Shew Pars.BayC Dick Vsa Dyke Jeopardy Love of Life Minh' in rvthe" Vietnam menaces Australia and New Zealand, to say nothing of Thailand and Shastri's India. Since this Is the reaWMhat ia JBed. China, the pragmatists-. still have plenty -of ammunition with which to continue the 'fight to keep Mao minions "from bringing the cause of Tretskyist per, manent revolution to "toe of the3JIT General Assembly.

The argument is made that if Red China were a 'member of the "world 0003 it. might 'be induced to change its tactics. But whenever has a 'seat in the been a guarantee of good behavior on the part of any nation with either the or LunhtimaThieopar)jr-ie Lovs of LUe C. Easy SConajr- Guidins Lueht -uza Poaf Search Tomer News -Cuidinc Usht World At Om Prise Is Bight 5 -LWCH WILL BE SERVED MSCATATUCK VALLEY FEEDER AUCTION ASSN. Tl Sunset Strip Midday Sumra.

Dondas Show As World Turns' DeatC As World Tump Best Caeey 1 lU tsa I I ts NBC News One day is with the Lord as a thousand yearsy'and a thousand years as one day If. Petfer God thinks hi terms of eternity. We Jhjnk In terms of vtht cal- Days of Our-C Psasword Days ot Our Paaeword The DoctorsJ.oysp yrttOirUTalk Houee Party Time TJs, News a Timer ews Another World. Tall the TruUl LEWIS BEESLEY, auctioneer rWher Action Is Another World I the gaU to flout the decencies? Did UNendar. Wetteed to" think time end Gen.

Hospital Young, Marrieds TeU the Truth TUI(ew Eds of Nlfht Tell: Newa Say-C Sir Doot SayV-Cr Kdso of Msbt-- seat restraui luirusncnev ne waa prepare. lor eternity. u. v-.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.